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Why Your Roof Shouldn’t Be Pressure Washed

Is your roof dirty? Have you considered cleaning it but don’t know where to start? If you have been thinking about cleaning your roof but don’t have a clue about how to properly clean it, then it is important to know the best cleaning method. Unfortunately, many homeowners that attempt to clean their roofs without experience are not aware of what type of pressure cleaning is needed. 

Don’t Lose the Lifespan in Your Roof

If you have never taken on the task of cleaning your roof before, then this means you may not be aware of the kind of pressure needed to thoroughly and effectively clean your roof. Pressure washing your roof has many risks and should be avoided. These risks can be costly, ineffective, and even dangerous if your roof isn’t washed right. If your roof is pressure washed it can also lose its lifespan, leaving behind the possibility of early roof replacement.

Prevent Spreading the Moss

Has moss started to grow on your roof? Moss can be a nuisance but it can be especially hard to clean if it is pressure washed. Once the high-pressured water hits your roof, the moss will likely spread, creating a bigger problem then just a dirty roof. If your roof is cleaned wrong, the moss will interfere with proper drainage of water off the roof as water needs to trickle through or around the moss instead of running straight down to the gutters. In addition, to the drainage being interfered with, the moss will eventually work its way under your shingles, causing them to lift up. However, with a soft wash, you will not have to worry about moss spreading all over your roof and becoming a problem.

Don’t Mess With Your Warranty

Before attempting to clean your roof, you should check the exclusions on your warranty. High pressure from a pressure washer could cause damage to your roof and may void your warranty. Checking your warranty will allow you to know what kind of care is allowed for your roof and the proper way to do it.

Cleaning your roof is a task that requires caution and care. Without the right equipment and experience, you could damage your roof beyond repair. If you don’t have the experience or the time, looking into hiring a professional may be best. With a detailed eye and roof cleaning knowledge, your roof washing professional will get your roof completely clean with a professional soft wash.