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6 Reasons to Keep Your Solar Panels Clean

Going green is a big step, especially when you make the decision to install solar panels on your home. However, having panels on your home means more than taking in the natural beauty of the sunlight and being able to see a nice blue sky. Solar panels, like the rest of your home, need to be cleaned and maintained regularly. If they are left without care, you may eventually have to deal with repairs or replacements, which can be very costly. There are also plenty of other reasons to clean your panels regularly.

Rainwater Just Won’t Do It

Once the rain comes, many homeowners with solar panels think the rain will clean the panels for them. However, this is a common mistake that many homeowners make. Without proper cleaning, the dried raindrop stains left behind will make your solar panels look dirty and may even affect their efficiency. In addition to raindrops leaving behind ugly dried-up stains, you may also have to deal with leaves or other debris stuck to your panels because of the rain.

Get the Return on Your Investment

Solar panels are not cheap. So, why not make sure they are cleaned and maintained regularly? Once you have your solar panels installed, you will want to get a return on your investment as soon as possible. Without regular cleaning, your panels will not work efficiently as you want them to and the return you are hoping to have on your investment will decrease.

Keep the Appeal

No one wants to be bothered with worn-out or old-looking panels adorning the rooftop. Dirty and unappealing solar panels can be an eyesore for your home and can also bring embarrassment if your panels aren’t cleaned regularly. Another good reason to make sure your solar panels are cleaned regularly would be if you have plans to put your home on the market. Clean solar panels will capture the attention of any potential homebuyer. With a regular schedule for cleaning and hiring the right professional, you do not have to worry about them being a constant dirty problem.

Make Sure Your Durability Stays Intact

With soft grains of sand, dust particles, and debris in the environment, it is a matter of time before it builds up. Unfortunately, once the buildup starts, so will the wear and tear of your solar panels. While you may not notice the difference in the effectiveness of your panels at first, over time they will be affected by dirt, dust particles, and any other debris in the environment. However, having your panels cleaned will remove the worry of them not meeting your standards. 

Clean If You Live In A Polluted Area

If you live in an area that recently had a wildfire or is polluted with smog, it is a good idea to have your solar panels cleaned. Without proper cleaning large amounts of smog or wildfire haze could become too much to rinse off. If you are short on time or just don’t have the experience to remove the annoying polluted smog or the hazy film that has made a home on your panels, having them professionally cleaned will be best.

Maintain the Efficiency

Dirty solar panels aren’t just an eyesore and nuisance but also bring the risk of them not working as effectively or efficiently as they should. The average change in solar panels once they are dirty for a long period of time is 5 percent and while it is a small percentage, it makes the difference in your panels meeting your expectations. Regular cleaning will remove the worry of your panels losing their efficiency.

Keeping your solar panels clean may be a challenge but with the right professional and regular cleaning, your panels will always work the way you want them to.