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What’s Living On Your Roof and Why You Need to Get Rid of it

Has your home become an unappealing distraction? Dirt on any part of your home can leave a bad impression, but a dirty roof leaves a bad mark on your entire property. The year-long beatdown of your roof from the sun and other contaminants in the air will only get worst for your roof and the structure of your home if it is not properly and regularly cared for. Unfortunately, many homeowners are unaware of the contaminants and the danger they can cause to the structure of their homes.

What Are Those Ugly Black Streaks?

Are ugly black streaks bringing your home the wrong kind of attention? Over time these ugly black streaks have become a nuisance to homeowners everywhere. In addition to being an obvious eyesore, the black stains, known as gloeocapsa magma, will eat away at your roof causing your shingles to age and rot prematurely. Unfortunately, once this starts to happen, you may be faced with having to replace your roof and may have to pay a pretty penny to do it.

Get Rid of the Mossy Blanket

A mossy roof can make for a bad day, especially if it has grown in abundance. With it retaining water and moisture, it is a matter of time before your roof encounters rot, bacteria, or mold growth. If you have the unfortunate luck of encountering these disgusting elements, you will be in for having to dish out a costly amount of money. However, with the right professional and regular soft washing, your roof will never see an ugly day.

The Holes of Your Roof

With the pain of having to deal with moss comes the horrific possibility of having to experience the holes the moss may have caused in your roof. After uprooting the shingles, tiles, and slates from your roof, moss will bring an immense amount of damage, leading to holes, leakage, and your roof’s structural degeneration. Even worse, once the moss is removed, the tiles may fall back awkwardly after losing the moss structure that once held them up. This is why it is important to remove the moss before it begins to blanket your roof and retain moisture.

Avoid the Critters

While bacteria, moss, and algae eating away at your roof may cause a problem, small critters coming to eat your rotting roof is even worse. Bats, squirrels, rats/mice, snakes, and opossums are some of the critters that will eat away at your rotting roof and cause an extreme amount of damage. If you do happen to encounter a problem like this and don’t have the experience of removing the critter, you will have to hire a professional.

Keeping your roof maintained can be a big task but it will keep the worry of premature rot and other problems down. If you are not sure when your roof must be serviced, the right professional will set you up on a maintenance plan and will let you know when it is time for your regular cleaning and care.